India Gospel Outreach is dedicated to planting a dynamic church in each of India's 3,000 ethnic groups and 28,000+ zip codes.

Today, few of India's 3,000 ethnic groups have a growing church. IGO takes the Good News to those who do not.

More than 1.35 billion people live in India. India is the world's largest Hindu nation, the second largest Muslim nation, and the home of Buddhism and Sikhism.

  • India is still a land of buffalo carts even as it develops computers, nuclear power and a space programs.
  • India makes more movies than Hollywood.
  • About 38% of India's people cannot read.
  • Over 600 million live in deep poverty and 300 million below the bread-line.
  • 10 million people in India have AIDS, and the numbers are rising rapidly.
  • Officially, only 3% are Christian.

God is at work in India today. Jesus Christ loves India.

Our Lord commands us to, "Go and make disciples of all nations." "All peoples"—tribes, castes, and ethnic groups. India alone has more than 3,000 of them, more than any other country in the world.

Fulfilling Christ's command in India depends upon Indian men and women called of God to make disciples. Every year, God is calling growing numbers of dedicated Indian men and women to reach Indian people for Christ. They are trained in Indian schools by Indian teachers and mentors.

To achieve these goals and fulfill Christ's Great Commission, India Gospel Outreach…

  • Trains and sends Indian evangelists and church planters to all peoples of India.
  • Starts new training centers throughout India to help local Christians reach their own people with the gospel.
  • Aids poor people of India with relief, education, and development in the name of Jesus.
  • Enlists intercessors to pray for revival and spiritual awakening in India.

Indian evangelists and church planters have certain advantages:

  • They experience no culture shock, language barriers or adjustments to a simple lifestyle.
  • They speak in terms everybody understands. Response to Christ comes quickly.
  • They are more cost efficient. You can support 25 Indian evangelists at the cost of one western missionary family.

IGO's Bible training centers train and send Indian evangelists and church planters.

To make this possible, IGO:

  • Informs Christians of opportunities to fulfill the Great Commission in India.
  • Testifies to what God is doing and has done in India.
  • Promotes vision for India.
  • Gives Indian Christian perspectives to help you grow in your faith.

India Gospel Outreach encourages you to join in prayer and financial support to fulfill the Great Commission in India.

With your help, IGO sponsors full-time Christian evangelists until a local congregation can fully support them. IGO then transfers those evangelists' support to a new evangelist.


"God's work done God's way will never lack God's supply." -Hudson Taylor

IGO believes God has given us the mandate to fulfill the Great Commission, and we share today's opportunities in India to proclaim the gospel to their people. We seek to fulfill this mandate in a manner that honors the Lord in all seasons.

Fulfillment of the Great Commission remains IGO's imperative. He has given us the Holy Spirit. He has given us willing partners. Let's depend upon God together to fulfill the Great Commission.

Join with us today at India Gospel Outreach. Help Indian evangelists preach Jesus Christ and plant dynamic churches in every corner of India.


A History of Ministry in India

In 1923, Pastor K.E. Abraham of India put this philosophy to work when he began to train Indian evangelists and church planters. His son, Pastor Stephen Abraham, and grandson, Rev. Dr. T. Valson Abraham, have continued his work.

Rev. Dr. T. Valson Abraham founded India Gospel Outreach in 1984 to train Indian evangelists to plant churches in all 3,000 people groups and 28,000+ zip codes of India. India Bible College & Seminary (in India) and Bible training centers throughout India train and send Indian evangelists to tell ALL of India's peoples of Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord.

This is our vision: Indians reaching Indians for Christ.

