Chirumamilla's Story

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Written by India Gospel Outreach

Categories: Testimonies

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Reading the Book of Revelation brought Chirumamilla Charan to his faith in Christ and his calling to ministry.

Praise God that He calls men and women into His service from every background.

Chirumamilla Charan, from Andra Pradesh, was born into an upper caste Hindu family. Until the age of eleven, he and his family faithfully followed Hindu rituals and practices. However, after Charan turned eleven years old, his father and the rest of his family heard the gospel and completely changed their outlook.

His father not only became a firm believer in Jesus, but he also experienced a call to ministry, becoming a pastor after he saw a vision.

All of this sparked a great cry of opposition from other members of their family, but this did not stop Charan’s father from obeying the call God had on his life.

During this time, while Charan’s immediate family grew in their faith, Charan himself still did not have a personal relationship with Christ, although he submitted to his parents and went to Sunday school and church. This was his pattern through high school and college.

However, after he graduated from college, he read through the Book of Revelation and saw that Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, was also his personal Savior and Lord. That caused him not only to commit his life to Christ but to hear the call to become a spokesman for Christ to his people. Within a couple of years, he applied to India Bible College and Seminary, where he is presently in his third year.

Many students who enter IGO training centers face opposition from family members and need the prayers and encouragement of others to fulfill the calling God has placed upon them. You can help them when you pledge $60-120/month for each student. You can help support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India by committing $100-250 a month (depending on location and family situation). We welcome your partial support. Each student needs regular prayer support.

Pray God’s provision for each IGO student and evangelist.

Pray about your own involvement in their lives and ministries.

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