Laxman's Story

Praise God for His ability to transform lives through word and power.
Laxman is a good example of this. Laxman comes from Odisha, born and raised in a Roman Catholic family. In Odisha, Roman Catholicism is very syncretistic, outwardly keeping Christian forms while also adopting certain Hindu elements to make it more acceptable to the general Hindu populace.
While Laxman was in high school, his mother fell victim to a long illness. She spent much time in various hospitals vainly seeking healing and seeing her situation daily becoming more serious.
One day, after many failed remedies, his family heard about a Christian prayer group and decided to go to that prayer group to receive prayer for his mother. The church prayed and fasted for her, and God healed her completely. This opened the entire family to hear the gospel which they had never heard before. Their eyes were opened, and the entire family committed their lives to Christ and received baptism.
This was the turning point in Laxman’s life, and from that time, he began to pray regularly. During this time, the Holy Spirit spoke to him through his pastor, calling him into ministry of the gospel. He obeyed the call and enrolled at Odisha Bible Training Center in 2022 to study the Word of God in preparation for gospel ministry. His eyes became opened to the spiritual darkness in Odisha.
He graduated in 2024 and is now taking the gospel to his village and nearby areas.
Many Bible students and graduates like Laxman lack financial resources to fulfill the calling God has placed upon them. You can help by pledging $75-150/month for each student. You can also help to support an evangelist working in an unreached area of India by committing $150-250 a month (depending on location and family situation). We welcome your partial support or a special gift for student or evangelist support.
Pray God’s provision for each IGO student and evangelist.
Pray about your own involvement in their lives and ministries.