Mizoram Bible College

Mizoram Bible College occupies a small building suitable for 30 people, but 90 students and faculty cram themselves into the tiny space. They have far too little room for adequate classrooms, dorms, kitchen and dining areas. The school has limited space to house books for its growing library.

Late last year, God answered those prayers for land. Through friends like you, He provided India Gospel Outreach with 2.49 acres of land at reasonable cost to build that long-awaited facility and begin needed expansion.

Today, contractors in Mizoram are constructing the first stage of expanded facilities. Completion of this first stage will relieve the school from the tyranny of high rents and little space. Later phases will allow for dramatic expansion of enrollment. There are plenty of men and women waiting to enter Mizoram Bible College.

Total cost for this first phase is $248,000. So far, IGO has raised $170,025 towards this project which has enabled us to start construction. This leaves a balance of $77,975 still to be raised.

Mizoram has the highest per capita number of missionaries of any other place on earth. God is calling even more of Mizoram’s young people to fulfill His Great Commission. Pray that this land will help us to provide new opportunities to train even more workers for many years to take Jesus Christ where He is completely unknown.

Thank you for joining with them at this strategic time to give them their opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission like the 12 disciples.

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