T. Stephen & Mary Abraham Endowment

On November 28, 2016, and February 5, 2018, respectively, Mrs. Mary Abraham went into the presence of the Lord, followed by her husband, Pastor Stephen Abraham.
As husband and wife, for nearly 67 years, Pastor T. Stephen and Mary Abraham gave themselves totally to love and serve Christ. They served in many areas, but their greatest and largest contribution was to train men and women to proclaim Christ and plant churches throughout India and beyond.
In response to many requests we have received, we offer you an opportunity to honor and express your thanks to God for the ministry Pastor T. Stephen and Mary Abraham.
To that end, we want to begin The T. Stephen and Mary Abraham Memorial Professorship and Scholarship Fund.
Fifty percent of the interest accrued from this fund will go for student scholarships at India Bible College & Seminary. The other 50 percent of the interest will go toward the endowment of a faculty chair at India Bible College & Seminary. Both of these represent the lifelong dedication and ministry of my parents.
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India Bible College & Seminary
Hebron, Kumbanad
Kerala 689547, INDIA